Letter to: Ajita
Los Angeles 3 January, 1974 74-01-03
My Dear Ajita,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter of December 21st, 1973. I can understand from the propaganda you are making that you are trying your best at your center there. Especially, even though the weather is cold you are emphasizing Sankirtana book distribution. So that is very important and that is why we are opening Centers. Also, you should keep on your work with trying to approach the educated class in thisteachers of religion in the schools and colleges. You write to say that the students are surprised to hear our description of God-consciousness in such a scientific manner. Yes, because there is no education at all in the principles of the soul and what is God, and what is transmigration of the soul in the next life; therefore, the people are rejecting religion as sentimental and backward but they are not finding any relief in material activities. So our presentation all over the world of the scientific principles of God-consciousness is the greatest benefit to them. Therefore, those who are sincere will be very grateful for our presentation. So go on presenting it as you are doing it and be always sure to keep strong by following the spiritual principles; otherwise, everything will automatically degrade. So I am confident that you will keep up the practices as I have taught them and do not unnecessarily add anything. It is very good news that you are becoming well known in Sweden as this is the wish of Lord Caitanya that everywhere His Name should be known.
Now regarding the house, the house you have at present is nice but there is no big hall there but on the back side there is open land. If you can construct a Temple there then that would be nice.
Hoping this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. Try to approach Stockholm University Nobel Prize authority in this connection. If things are going nicely, next summer I may go there.
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/los_angeles/january/03/1974/ajita Previous: Letter to: Bhumata -- Los Angeles 2 January, 1974 Next: Letter to: Brahmananda -- Los Angeles 4 January, 1974