Letter to: Robert

Los Angeles
20 February, 1968
My Dear Robert,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated Feb. 15, 1968, and you have done very good by staying in N.Y. under the guidance of Sriman Brahmananda. In your last letter you proposed to come here, but Krishna has given you good counsel that instead of coming here, you have stopped at N.Y. and expended the passage money for temple expenditures. It is very good. It is as good to see Brahmananda because he is my representative, and he can inform you everything which I could have done by meeting you. Anyway, please act under the guidance of Brahmananda, so long I am not able to see you, and probably it will be possible to see you in the month of April next, when I am going to N.Y. I thank you once more for your service spirit to Lord Krishna, and I am sure He will bestow upon you more and more service spirit.
So far school is concerned, we know that modern education in schools and colleges is not very much helpful in advancement of Krishna Consciousness, but still we have to take advantage of such institutions in absence of any other good organization. But I shall advise you that by leaving your school, you have got immense books and literatures for studying, so you should form the habit of studying and understanding the philosophy very nicely and when there is difficulty in understanding, Brahmananda or Rayarama, or myself, will help you in all respects. School may be bad, but studying is not bad, it is very good. So we should not give up the habit of studying, especially Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and Brahma Samhita.
Hope you are well.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/los_angeles/february/20/1968/robert

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