Letter to: Yadunandana

Los Angeles
15 February, 1968
New York
My Dear Yadunandana das Brahmacari,
Please accept my blessings. In reply to your letter of February 8, 1968, I thank you very much for it, and I have accepted you as my initiated student and your spiritual name is Sriman Yadunandana das Brahmacari. (Yadunandana is another name of Krishna)
Please follow the regulations and chant 16 rounds daily, at least, without any offense. The list of offenses, 10 kinds, are in my apartment in N.Y., and you ask your God-brother, Brahmananda, and he will supply you. Similarly, there is another list of the qualifications, as well as prayer for Spiritual Master, are also there. Try to secure them, and follow the regulations, and Krishna will help you in being elevated to higher and higher platforms of Krishna Consciousness. Thanking you very much.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/los_angeles/february/15/1968/yadunandana

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