Letter to: Tejiyas, Gurudasa

Los Angeles
16 August, 1972
Dear Tejiyas and Gurudasa,
Please accept my blessings. I have received your joint letter dated 6th August, from Vrindaban and I am very glad to hear that everything is going nicely there. Regarding the questions by Tejiyas, unless there are local men in Delhi who are interested and who will do the work, then it is all right to attempt to expand there by renting building, etc. But on our own attempt that is not good. And this also applies to the pandal program. It will be expensive, so local persons must come forward to cooperate. Last time Dalmia and others were there, and they gave us all assistance. Therefore the program was very successful. So if such men are willing to come forward again to help us and organize everything, then we should try for it, otherwise, it is too much endeavor. My plan is to come to Vrindaban sometimes near the 12th or 15th of October for the Karati Varta and I want to sit down there in the Sri Radha Damodara Temple until some time near the end of November. I will lecture daily in the courtyard on the Bhakti Rasamrita Sindhu, especially for the benefit of the devotees. So you can make arrangements in that way.
Regarding your questions about the marble tablets, in 1955 I went to Vrindaban and stayed at Nathagaon temple. In 1961 I moved to Radha Damodara temple and I am still living there.
I have sent you the plans approved by me, and you may submit them to the municipality and request them to very quickly approve so we may start as soon as possible. When they have approved, Saurabha may come there to give you some help in the beginning, and I think by now Tamala Krishna may be there with one engineer for getting the work started. There must be some tangible progress made by the time of my arrival so that I may see the work being done.
Hoping this meets you in good health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/los_angeles/august/16/1972/tejiyas/gurudasa

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