Letter to: Gurudasa
Indore 5 December, 1970 70-12-05
My Dear Gurudasa,
Please accept my blessings, I have come to Indore on the 3rd December and we are five here altogether. I am expecting your wife and others to arrive this evening. I have received your telegram from Vrndavana and am awaiting your letter with details to be forwarded. I am planning to reach Surat on the 12th instant and my address at that time will be as follows:
c/o Bhagubhai Jariwala
Jekisondas Nathaubhai Jariwala
Motorcycle Building
Begumpura, Surat
We shall remain in Surat up until about the 20th December. In the meantime one gentleman has come to me here in Indore and he has offered us one small Krsna Temple in Vrndavana with room for about 20-25 men. He has written to the man there to receive you when you go. So you may go immediately as soon as possible go there for the purpose of seeing the Temple whether it is suitable for us. The name is as follows:
Chhatrabihariji's Temple; Gopinatha Bazar; Vrndavana. It is in care of our friend Sri N. C. Zamindar, of Indore. So please go there and see it and do the needful. Let me know how things are going on.
Hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. You might have received by this time a letter from Tamala. So you must go immediately to see the Chief Controller of Imports and Exports and make the necessary arrangements for getting the clearance permission for our shipment of books. ACB
ACBS:ds Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/indore/december/05/1970/gurudasa Previous: Letter to: Puri Maharaja -- Bombay 2 December, 1970 Next: Letter to: Mukunda -- Indore 7 December, 1970