Letter to: Brahmananda
Hamburg 27 August, 1969 69-08-27
My Dear Brahmananda,
Please accept my blessings. I am pleased to inform you that our journey from New York to Hamburg was very comfortable, and we safely arrived at the scheduled time. The boys were present to receive us, and the apartment they have selected is very nice. I am sending herewith a letter addressed to Hayagriva. The second part of the Ginsberg conversation article should not be published, and
I think establishment of the Deities here will not be possible because the place is not very settled up. There is objection by the health department for performing kirtana. Anyway, they are doing very nicely, and in Monday's meeting one Dr. Franz Bernhard, a learned scholar in Indology, was there, and he is very interested in our movement. Yesterday I had discussion with him for about two hours and he is impressed, as you will find I have explained to Hayagriva in his letter. Please note also the items I have requested Hayagriva to bring here when he comes.
I hope you are doing well, and I shall be glad to hear good news from you by return of post.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami P.S. I have got now connection with a firm dealing in musical instruments in Delhi. I think they are better than Dwarkin and Sons
P.S. Hand over to Hayagriva the enclosed letter. I didn't know where else to send it to him. Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/hamburg/august/27/1969/brahmananda Previous: Letter to: Swami B. S. Bhagavata Maharaja -- Los Angeles 21 August, 1969 Next: Letter to: Satsvarupa -- Hamburg 27 August, 1969