Letter to: Jayatirtha
Geneva 2 June, 1974 74-06-02
Los Angeles
My dear Jayatirtha,
Please accept my blessings. As you know, since the March GBC meeting in Mayapur you have been asked to manage affairs of the west coast U.S. zone until a permanent GBC man for that zone could be selected. From my careful observation of your activities especially in Los Angeles and the other temples, I can understand that you are doing very well as GBC representative for the west coast. Therefore I am appointing you as the regular GBC representative with full standing, for heading affairs in the western region of the U.S.A. I have already instructed the president of the Seattle temple in a recent letter, to sent new initiates beads to you for chanting. I know you will discharge the duties of GBC with full responsibility, especially seeing that the spiritual life in the temples is not neglected. I am having my secretary send a newsletter to all GBC informing them of your regular GBC status.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/sdg
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/geneva/june/02/1974/jayatirtha Previous: Letter to: Mahamsa, Giriraja, Gargamuni, Gargamuni, Jayapataka, Tejiyas, Gurudasa -- Geneva 2 June, 1974 Next: Letter to: Sri Ballavh -- Geneva 4 June, 1974