Letter to: Janardana
Delhi 30 September, 1967 67-09-30
Dear Janardana,
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your interesting letter & also the copy of the letter you have sent to the newspaperman. Yes, you must now be careful so that people may not misunderstand us to be a second edition of the hippy movement. What is done in the past to advertise us is already done. Now we should work solidly to attention of important men, and try to make them understand that this movement is the most authorized scientific agitation to invoke man's dormant Krishna Consciousness. I completely support your idea about the preaching method. We are not lacking in philosophyby the grace of Krishna we have got ample stock to answer anybody's intricate philosophical questions. There is no necessity of stopping questioners by dogmatic statements as it was done in the beginning. I have every hope in you because you are educated and have understood the philosophy completely. You should try to get another newspaper article out explaining the real scientific position of our movement.
I am very anxious to go to Montreal. Therefore you must try your best to get my immigration visa on the basis of my being an authorized Vaisnava minister, based on Srimad Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. I hop you have got the copies of my certificates in this connection. If not you can get the same immediately from N.Y. of S.F. centers. I wish that either from Canada or U.S. I should get my visa for free movement.
Regarding the incidence that took place on Janmastami day immediately send the following gentleman a copy of your grievance.* (see next page)
Pandit Ram Natha Kalia, Secretary Vishwa Hindu Dharam Sammelan,
1936 Chandni Chowk, Delhi 6, Tel. 262025. It is understood that this man has got some connections with members of parliament & he can help us in raising this question in the Indian Parliament House. You should tell him that you are forwarding same under my instructions. Do not enter into correspondence with this man without my consent. The man is a politician and according to Canakya, a politician & a woman are never to be trusted.
Regarding Easy Journey. I may inform you that whatever is written there is authoritative. The information contained in EJ is contained in various Vedic literatures. In Bhagavad-gita as well as in Srimad-Bhagavatam it is clearly indicated that beyond this visible space there is another spiritual space which is eternally existant. Modern astronomers & scientists have no information of the extent of this visible space. And what can they speak of what is beyond this visible space? Therefore our movement is novel. God is living, He has got a particular place & anyone who is God conscious can approach it in this very life. One of our students, Brahmananda, appreciated very much this discovery. He wrote to me a letter that my delivery of this information has given them lifethat God is not only alive, but that we can go & live with Him. So what is applicable to Brahmananda is applicable to all sincere souls & we have to present this to the whole world very nicely.
I am very glad that your wife Mona is gradually understanding Krishna Consciousness. Women are generally less intelligent. Give her time & scope & she will turn out a very good assistant for your life. Convey my blessings for her.
Your ever well-wisher
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami *Send him this:
1. Copy of your speech and letter to me of 28 Aug. 1967. 2. Clippings of newspaper or hand bills announcing Miss Uma Sharmas' dance in the Temple. 3. Full name & designation of Mr. Dayala of EXPO. 4. List of people present. Addresses. 5. Copy of letter of regret by Miss Sharma. 6. Limited information on I.S.K.C.O.N. 7. Addresses & names of officers and temple members in Montreal. Reply to this letter may be addressed to me in Calcutta. ACB
N.B. I am going to Calcutta on 9/10/67 with Acyutananda & Ramanuja. My address is overleaf. Swami Kirtanananda has given me a great shock. I advised him to go to London with introduction letter and money but he flew away to N. Y. without my knowledge. His first action after taking sannyasa is a great shock to me which please note. ACB
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/delhi/september/30/1967/janardana Previous: Letter to: Subala -- Delhi 29 September, 1967 Next: Letter to: Satsvarupa -- Delhi 3 October, 1967