Letter to: Visitors' Book
Delhi 18 September, 1960 60-09-18
I am pleased to write herein that I have come to Delhi from my H.Q. 1/859 Kesi Ghat, Vrindaban (U.P.) purely on spiritual mission to propagate the cult of devotional service of the Lord. And I am more pleased to mention herewith that Sriman Sri Krishna Sharma, Haribhaktan das, has provided me with a suitable room for my literary activities. I am publishing an English fortnightly magazine of the name "Back-To-Godhead'' from this place and the Nawal Prem Shabha of which Sri Krishnaji is the Hony Secretary is arranging for my daily lectures on Srimad-Bhagavatam.
Late Pandit Jyoti Prasad Sharma father of Sri Krishnaji was also known to me and during his life lime whenever I used to come to Delhi, Late Pandit Jyoti Prasadji would provide me with residential place. His good son is also following the foot prints of his noble father and as secretary of the Nawal Prem Sabha, he is doing good service in propagating Rama Nama all over the city.
In my opinion temples are centres for educating the public in spiritual values and I have a mission to organize all temples for that spiritual education. Temples are not meant for ordinary householders engaged simply in the matters of animal propensities. Those who are actually engaged in the service of the Lord Deity, the predominator of the temple; can only be allowed to remain in the temple, otherwise not.
Anyway so far I have been well treated both by Sri Krishnaji the Secretary and Sri Prabhatilal along with his son Sitaramcare taker of the temple.
I wish all improvement of this spiritual establishment and I have full cooperation with the authorities concerned for this purpose.
At last I must thank Sriman Hari Bhaktanudas Sri Krishnaji Sharma for his kindly providing me with a place for conducting my activities in the service of the Lord and without his help in this way it would have been an impossible task for me to start the paper Back-to-Godhead. I am waiting for the inauguration of the Bhagavata class proposed to be held in the temple daily.
I am in the service of the Lord
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Editor, Author, & Preacher in Transcendental Science
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/delhi/september/18/1960/visitors_book Previous: Letter to: Dr. Y. G. Naik M.Sc., Ph.D -- Delhi 28 March, 1960 Next: Letter to: Ministry for Scientific Research and Cultural Affairs -- Cuttack 20 March, 1961