Letter to: Sri Kashinath Mullick

24 March, 1976
Sri Kashinath Mullick,
39 Jatindra Mohan Avenue,
My dear Kashi Babu,
Please accept my greetings. Last night at the Thakura Bati we had a very nice meeting, so I wanted to talk with you of improvement of the Uddharana Dutta Thakura Path. I know you are managing the establishment so nicely till now but still further improvement can be done if you cooperate with us. We want to establish a small gurukula as mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, accommodating willing Vaisnavas who will follow the Vaisnava behavior strictly; arranging worship of the Deity by the sincere devotees who will not take any remuneration and who follow the Vaisnava principles.
I do not know how many devotees are staying there for taking prasadam, but I want at least 25 devotees to stay there regularly for taking prasadam, occasionally holding festivals also for distributing prasadam to anyone who visits the temple. I am thinking in this line. I am hoping that you can give me your considerate opinion as to how it can be done. Furthermore, I wish to be enlightened to know how much land the mandir possesses for cultivation because I wish the temple community to be self-sufficient by producing their own food grains. In foreign countries we are organizing our centres on this principle. Here also in Mayapur we are doing the same thing, and we have just taken on another place, Haridasapur, the place of Haridasa Thakura. There are 6 bighas of land and they have donated it to us, and we are trying to develop it according to the above mentioned program.
I hope that this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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