Letter to: Professor G. G. Kotovsky

17 May, 1971
Professor G. G. Kotovsky
Head, Department of Indian and South Asian Studies
Institute of Oriental Studies
USSR Academy of Sciences
Armyansky Perlk 2
Moscow, USSR
Dear Professor Kotovsky,
I beg to inform you that a letter received from you in my Bombay address was redirected here some four or five days ago, but I have not received it as of yet. It appears that the letter is missing. I therefore request you to issue a duplicate of your letter under reference and send it to me to the above address immediately so that I can take action on it. Thanking you once more.
Yours sincerely,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/calcutta/may/17/1971/professor_g_g_kotovsky

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