Letter to: Karandhara:
Bombay 17 October, 1973 73-10-17
Los Angeles
My Dear Karandhara Das:
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated 5/10/73 and have noted the contents. I have also received the enclosed duplicate deposit slip for $125.89. Also find herewith checks Nos. _ for deposit.
Regarding the Krsna books being transferred, yes for the time being you may hold it. As we are getting money from the U.S.A. it may not be required, but keep it ready and I shall let you know later on.
Regarding Hawaii affairs, let it go on for the time being, and we shall see later on. They cannot go outside the clutches of Krsna consciousness. Regarding the selling of the temple, it was ISKCON's temple, so how can they sell? This is illegal. Gaurasundara was a representative of ISKCON, but he cannot sell and take the money. . This is an illegal implication. I am simply thinking of the luxurious tulsi plants there. Govinda dasi took so much care. How they could have left this place I cannot imagine.
Yes, do not attempt to open any more centers. Let them go by busses. That is a very nice program.
I hope this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/bs
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