Letter to: Mohanananda:
Bombay 13 October, 1973 73-10-13
My Dear Mohanananda Das:
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 26, 1973 and have noted the contents carefully. In my opinion all Gurukula students should be educated free of charge, but outside students may be charged. Our own parents should without obligation contribute liberally, but we should not be hard with them if they cannot pay. Sometimes the parents get money from the Welfare Dept., so whatever money they get for their children must be paid to Gurukula.
It is not possible for me to tax my brain on every detail. The GBC should meet in Mayapur in March, and all details of management should be discussed. My inclination is to retire completely from management and devote my time to my books. Let all of you give me this chance and consult amongst yourselves regarding the management.
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