Letter to: Hamsaduta:
Bombay 12 October, 1973 73-10-12
Heidelberg, West Germany
My Dear Hamsaduta:
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your GBC report dated October 4, 1973 and I thank you very much for it. So your Sankirtana Parties are collecting very nicely, especially Amsterdam. As long as we go on preaching in this way, we will not starve. It is good that the Berlin party is travelling.
So you are doing excellent preaching, while I am here fighting with Mrs. Nair. I want that when this business is finished to return for Europe or America, perhaps via Africa. You will be pleased to know that the London devotees that you have trained in Sankirtana and book distribution are doing very nicely. This past month they have sent dollars 10,000 to Los Angeles against their debts. Mukunda is there in charge, and Syamasundara. is here in India.
The German devotees I have seen both in Paris and Stockholm have impressed me by their enthusiasm. . It is very encouraging, so train them nicely. The Germans are very intelligent, and they will be the future preachers. So give them nice translations of my books and you will have tremendous success in Germany.
Regarding the Festival programs, you should not stop because it is not economic. You can earn from book-selling and then spend for the festivals. The festivals are very good for attracting the people, then you can easily inject the Krsna conscious poison into them.
You are experienced, senior member of the society, and Krsna has given you excellent opportunity for organizing Central Europe. I am sure you will be able to do something in Moscow. The young men there, are eager, only the government is a barrier. It is a good field there, you simply have to find the means, but rest assured that you will find many customers there.
Regarding your service as secretary, you are as good as the others, and sometimes better than the others, so don't say like that. I am very satisfied on you and your good wife, so go on serving Krsna with greater enthusiasm. That will make me happy. Actually everyone one of you my disciples are good, and my task is to find out the fault in you. Yes, just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu, His spiritual master simply found Him to be a great fool number one. He said that the Lord was unfit to read Vedanta and should just chant Hare Krsna. .
Your emphasis on book distribution is very good. You have enough centers. Let more devotees come, then consider opening more.
I hope this meets you and your good wife in best of health.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS/bs
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