Letter to: Satsvarupa
Bombay 4 October, 1973 73-10-04
My Dear Satsvarupa,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your report for Central USA dated September 25th and I have noted the contents with great satisfaction. Your reports are coming more regularly than any other GBC and from them I can understand that things are developing very steadily under your supervision.
Karandhara's plan to eventually purchase the entire block of land for Gurukula at the low price it is available is good.
I am very glad to learn that Govardhana dasa has become a leader in the deity worship, due to his inspired service. That is the real thingone who has inspiration of life, he can do anything. Rupa Goswami explains this as "utsaha'', enthusiasm.
I am very pleased that you and Hrdayananda Swami are traveling and preaching and that everyone was singing and dancing at the kirtana at the U. of Iowa. It is a sign of great success. Your plan to spend up to one month in each big university city sometimes taking an apartment for conducting regular evening meetings is approved by me. But do not open any permanent centers, just take the apartment for a month and then move onto another city. For the time being new centers may not be opened. Whatever centers we have got already, let us organize them very soundly. If more men are available, let them come to India. I have already written to Karandhara that fifty more men are required in India, so if possible, you may arrange for some men to come from your zone.
So I am very pleased with your preaching, please continue with all enthusiasm and determination and win the hearts of all your fellow countrymen by offering this authorized process of Krishna Consciousness.
I hope this meets you in the best of health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS:tkg
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