Letter to: Batu Gopala

23 March, 1974
Dear Batua Gopala,
Please accept my blessings. I have accepted the devotees recommended by you for first initiations, and their spiritual names are as follows.
Dan McGreadyDivyanga dasa
MichelleMaharajani devi dasi
PaulaPramada devi dasi
Their beads may be chanted on by Jagadisa Prabhu. Please impress upon them that their chant must avoid the ten offenses, and that they must chant the minimum 16 rounds without fail, and be very careful to keep themselves free of the four sinful activities. They are in your charge so you must set the example.
I am also sending gayatri and sacred thread for Rasikhananda das Brahmacari for his second initiation, and also Gauranga devi dasi.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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