Letter to: Stephen
Bombay 4 January, 1971 71-01-04
My Dear Stephen,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letter dated November 30th, 1970, and noted the contents. I am very glad that you have joined with His Holiness Visnujana Swami for increasing our great movement through the Southwestern states of your country.
Your quotations from our Vaisnava sastras are very nice and
So please do not ever become discouraged. That is one of the defects of conditioned life. Simply execute your duties in Krsna's service, chant sincerely, and follow the regulative principles faithfully. If you carry out this simple order of life, all your uncertainties will come to nothing by the grace of the Lord and the whole matter will become clear. The Lord is very kind and He awards right understanding of His transcendental Supreme Personality to His faithful devotee. And there is no such thing as material pangs for such a pure devotee of the Lord, because the Lord protects His devotees from the demoniac material allurements provided the devotee sincerely keeps himself pure by the above mentioned process of regulated life in Krishna consciousness. Therefore there should be no fear for you.
May Krsna bless you in His service.
Hope this will meet you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami ACBS:ds
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