The Edinburgh temple may be moved. However Hamsaduta Prabhu has suggested that if it is to be moved why not move it to Birmingham or Manchester where there will be more facility to preach and make life members and devotees.
I hope this letter meets you well.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
P.S. As you have recommended, I accept Jagaddhatri devi dasi for 2nd initiation. Now you must hold a fire ceremony. She should hear the mantra from the tape recording through the right ear. Brahmana initiation means to be very clean, inside and outside. Inside by chanting the glories of the Lord, and outside by bathing regularly, washing hands and mouth after eating. Instruct her on all of these things and do it yourself, as "EXAMPLE IS BETTER THAN PRECEPT."
Letter to: Yuvraj Thakura Sahib

31 December, 1975
Sri Yuvraj Thakura Sahib,
Sanand Palace,
P.O. Sanand, Dist Ahmedabad,
My Dear Yuvraj Thakura Sahib,
Please accept my blessings. I am prepared to organize Gujarat by traveling village to village. You said that you could help me in this respect and also supply a car. So as soon as it is ready I shall accept, please let me know.
I thank you very much for your kind hospitality for me and my disciples while I was there. With my blessings for your family.
I hope this letter finds you and your good wife well.
Your ever well wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

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