Letter to: Karandhara

13 April, 1976

Los Angeles
My dear Karandhara das,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated March 30, 1976 and I have noted the contents with care. Concerning your going to South America to assist there, if you like there is no need to go immediately. First you can complete the exhibit there in Los Angeles. There is no need to go immediately.
I shall be visiting our centres in Melbourne, Auckland, Fiji, then Hawaii. After some time I shall then come to Los Angeles. I hope that this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/letters/bombay/april/13/1976/karandhara

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