To start for Calcutta by the Calcutta Mail via Nagpur starting from Bori-Banrer(?) at 19 hours in the evening. Luggage booked. Receipt No. A116695 paid Rs. 12/20 TUESDAY 3
Reached at 65-A, Pachuriaghata St. Ramkumar Bangur Dharmsala at about 1 p.m. Sri Gobindlal Bangur sent his man to receive me. Received letter from Chaitanya Bharati, New Delhi Dt 1/8/65 and also from Govind Maharaj Dt 31/7/65. FRIDAY 6
Morning to start for Mayapur and return back in the evening. Link to this page: Previous: JD 4: July Next: JD 5: The Journey- The Jaladuta sets sail for America