Tuesday 29 March
Sun Rise 5/48 am. Sunset 6/23 pm. Moon Set 1/36 am.
Today I went to see the loft of Mr. Paul. It is a big hall with kitchenette and shower bath etc. Can be utilised for meeting and Samkirtan purpose very nicely. I think it will be nice arrangement. I do not know if Lord Chaitanya wants me to change my present place just to facilitate my missionary work. I do not mind my loss for the typewriter and tape recorder if I am given the facility of my missionary work.
It is Lord Chaitanya's Grace that Robert today brought me an old typewriter. Work (?) and another gentleman also (Mr. Peter Blane 161 West 75th St.) called me on Wednesday at 11:30 am. in his apartment No 3.
Income one set book sold. 16.80 cheque

Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/diaries/beginning/1/1/tuesday_29_march

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