The report of the BBT traveling library party is something new for us and this is also only the beginning. Please give my heartful thanks to the boys, Sriman Maha Buddhi dasa Brahmacari and Sriman Ghanasyama dasa Brahmacari. These books are specifically meant for the intellectual class of people in your country and I have great hope in the results of this preaching at the Universities.    (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated October 7, 1974 with enclosed copies of the Library orders. I thank you very much for this. It is very good that our books are being appreciated by the learned circles. If our books are distributed more and more in this way, there will be unlimited scope for spreading this movement of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu all over the world. And, personally I become very much encouraged when I get the report of my books being distributed.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated November 20, 1974 from New York. I am very glad to hear of the continued success of the Library distribution program. You know it that I also was selling my books in this way to the schools and colleges and libraries. I would write, then publish, and then distribute without any help. So how much pleased I am with you that you are helping me in this mission. So you go on with your work. Krishna will help you. You are sincere in your purpose. This is very important engagement of visiting the professors, and the colleges and libraries, and getting the standing orders. This is the most important engagement. Do not doubt this.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 31, 1975 and have noted the contents. Thank you very much for working so hard to distribute my books in the Libraries. This is very much pleasing. You will make your whole country Krishna Conscious in this way. Regarding the book review booklet, it can be included in another small booklet which I have just told Ramesvara to print called "The Hare Krishna Movement.'' The Miami situation is a great discredit for us because we have made such a bad impression on the neighbors that they have had us kicked out. This is because of nasty management. Rupanuga was the GBC, and now you are, why it cannot be made clean? Abhirama has proved his poor management, so he must be replaced. If you sell the old buildings and buy some land as proposed, it may be very nice. One thing is though, if the management continues to be so nasty, then that place will also be ruined. Management must be done very nicely otherwise it is useless. Regarding your staying in Houston, yes, but do not neglect your other business. Jagadisa can take over New Orleans management. Yes, you will be my GBC travelling secretary in August.   (More...)
This distribution of books to the libraries is very encouraging. Please expand this program all over India. In one library carrying my books, hundreds of people will be able to read.   (More...)
Regarding the libraries taking the books, they can be given up to 25% discount. We shall take a standing order from them, and supply whatever we can, and the balance by and by.   (More...)
Now you and all of your men are experienced in distributing books to the libraries. If you can get our books placed in the public libraries it will be a great victory. Do whatever you think bet to make this possible. Yes, the reviews you are getting are very important. Many times I am showing them to influential gentlemen.   (More...)
I am always very much pleased with our Library Party's preaching. Their work is most important. Ramesvara has sent me some recent review from Professors and there is no doubt that these intelligent men are deriving benefit from reading my books. These reviews make me very encouraged. also, the Krishna Consciousness Movement is Authorized has come out very nicely. The review or appreciation of your lecture sent by the professor shows that they are appreciating how nicely our men can present this perfect philosophy of Krishna Consciousness. Go on vigorously expanding this preaching. You are proceeding in the right way. It is good that now you have arranged for independent support of the party.   (More...)
I have received a letter from Gopala Krishna wherein he states that you are distributing our books to libraries. That is solid. Simply by bluffing words these bogus gurus and yogis are actually accomplishing nothing. But when they people read our books then they will get good opinion.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated March 5, 1976 along with the lists of libraries and professors who have taken standing orders. Yes, you can compile a list of all the professors who have taken at least 1 of our books and please note his address as well as the title/s of the book/s that he has taken. I thank you very much for your hard work in sending out the 200,000 Krishna Consciousness is Authorized pamphlet to leading citizens. Please continue with this important work.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 8, 1976, and I have noted the contents with great pleasure. Continue with this program of standing orders. It is very important preaching work. At least if they read our books they will not speak nonsense that kirtana is nuisance. I have asked Gopala Krsna and Tejyas das to keep sufficient stock of all of our books so that we can supply the standing orders immediately. They very much appreciate the fine printing and color illustrations which are not available in other Indian publications. So somehow or other introduce these books into the universities and libraries like that.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated May 22, 1976 as well as your letter of May 26, 1976 along with the list of standing orders thus far received. The library party is doing very nicely. It is nectar to my ears to hear the list of schools which are taking our standing order.   (More...)

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If you Love Me Distribute My Books -- Srila Prabhupada