Why don't you try to arrange with India to extend visa somehow or other? I am very much encouraged by the efforts and response that you are getting from the universities and libraries. Indeed, the field is as good or better than the U.S.A. for this type of work.   (More...)
That is nice even if the libraries are taking only 6 volumes per year. The libraries that you mentioned: associated with the Ministry of External Affairs, Education, Information and Broadcasting, Defense, and Indian council for cultural relations, they can all take our books. Let them see the certificates given by all these big, big professors.   (More...)
I remember when I sold the first one volume personally to the Archeological University. I sold them personally long ago. Now you must work conjointly with the other library men in India. Don't let there be undue competition amongst our men. Do combinedly, it is very much encouraging to me.   (More...)
Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated July 7, 1976, and I have noted the contents with care. There is a great future for making standing orders in India undoubtedly. So now this program must go on very nicely and Krishna will give you all support. In Kuruksetra University, we gave some books to the Vice-chancellor. Please inquire what is their decision concerning taking books and standing order. Thank you very much for the enclosed reviews from the Indian scholars.   (More...)

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