Prabhupada: Here?
Prabhupada: Yes. Where you are preaching now?
Acyutananda: I was in Calcutta during the Mayapura affair. Then I went to South India. Now I'm going to America. My stay in India may be terminated. And I received American passport. I'm able to travel now. Ramesvara Prabhu is sending me a ticket.
Prabhupada: Oh. So you can go now, America, eh?
Bhavananda: Yes.
Prabhupada: That's good. You attended the conference?
Acyutananda: Yes.
Prabhupada: You liked?
Acyutananda: Oh, yes. It was very successful. One scientist has actually been touched. His heart is changed, Dr. Ramaya. He, in fact, defended our one point with one other scientist.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Prabhupada: Yes. (end)
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/conversations/1977/oct/vrndavana/october/17/1977 Previous: Room Conversation About 10th Canto -- October 16, 1977, Vrndavana Next: Room Conversation -- October 17, 1977, Vrndavana