Gopala Krsna: That Blitz article, I wrote a reply and sent it to Krishna Modi, the member of Parliament and he's going to discuss it with the other members of Parliament. What I did...
Prabhupada: But this article is in our favor.
Prabhupada: So but Mr. Modi said that we don't bother about this.
Gopala Krsna: No, no, he'll reply. So I gave him the point. He wanted me to give him the point and the right answers and then he will reply.
Prabhupada: What are the points?
Prabhupada: Accha?
Gopala Krsna: "Dear Shri Modiji. Hare Krsna. In Blitz issue of August 21, 1976, an article under the heading of "Blitz Tears the Mask of Ungodly Face of Krsna Cult" appeared. This article appeared on page 3 of the issue and was written by A. Ragwan of Blitz Delhi Bureau. We beg to state that this was a mischievous article in which the newspaper accused us incorrectly. It is our firm opinion that the purpose of this article was simply to defame ISKCON because it is engaged in spreading God consciousness based on the Vedic scriptures. For your information, ISKCON is a registered society with the government of India. This society..."
Prabhupada: For your information we beg to submit.
Gopala Krsna: No. For your information... Before that I have said. "For your information ISKCON is a registered society with the government of India."
Prabhupada: No, no, "for your infor..." It is not completed. "For your information..." What is that?
Prabhupada: Okay.
Gopala Krsna: "This society was formed strictly for the purpose of spreading God consciousness. We briefly submit below the misleading information as reported by Blitz and humbly inform you of the fact." What I've done is I've shown each point that Blitz has incorrectly said and then responded to it. Should I read? Okay. "Point one. Blitz Ungodly Face of Krsna Consciousness. ISKCON: The International Society for Krsna Consciousness is a worldwide community of devotees practicing the Vedic teachings, the eternal science of rendering devotional service to Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Society was founded by His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, a pure devotee of God, who is coming down in parampara started by Lord Sri Krsna five thousand years ago. In other words, the roots of this movement trace back to at least five thousand years. It is not a modern concoction. In India our Society is registered under the Society Registration Act #21 of 1860. As we are a registered nonprofit organization, we are required to maintain complete account of all donations received, both within India and from abroad. Thus keep a complete account of all our expenses. Our accounts are audited every year and submitted to the income tax authorities and the charity commissioner. Very briefly, the main object of the Society, as registered with the government is..." I've given them the three main points from your memorandum of the association. "To advance, transmit, and spread the ethical and philosophical principles of Krsna consciousness, as revealed in the teachings of Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam. And the doctrines and the observances which serve to promote and manifest the said ethical and philosophical principles in the furtherance of the subject. To build or to assist in building temples, schools, colleges, hospitals, and other buildings in connection with or for the advancement of the objects of the Society and to maintain, alter, and improve the same, including existing buildings, and to furnish and equip the same. To print, publish, sell, or cause to be printed, published or sold, or to distribute books, booklets, leaflets, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or yearly newspapers, magazines, or other periodicals for the purpose of giving information for the work of the Society. We refrain from four categories of sinful activities, such as meat-eating, intoxication, gambling, and illicit sex life. Furthermore, our entire life is dedicated to reading, chanting, and preaching about Krsna. We rise at 4 a.m. all over the world. So how can Blitz say that we are ungodly when we are following Lord Sri Krsna's teachings?" This is my reply to point one. It's okay?
Prabhupada: Yes, this is nice. Very good.
Gopala Krsna: "Point two. Blitz And now it's ISKCON-MRA-Anand Marg..." Just for your information Prabhupada, MRA and Anand Marg were banned organizations for murders...
Prabhupada: MRA also?
Gopala Krsna: Yes, it is banned now. So Blitz said, "And now it's ISKCON-MRA-Anand Marg." So ISKCON is replying. ISKCON: "Blitz is trying to link us with banned organizations like MRA and Anand Marg. We challenge Blitz to show any of our activity that is dangerous to the Indian society. Our only business is to follow Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and chant Hare Krsna. This is all we are asking others to do also. We're not engaged in any political activity either. So how can Blitz compare us to banned organizations like MRA and Anand Marg?" So this is my reply to point two. "Point three. Blitz: ISKCON was founded in New York in July, 1966. ISKCON: Yes, ISKCON was registered in New York by A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Bhaktivedanta Swami went to America at the advanced age of 70 to spread Krsna consciousness because he was ordered so by his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada, the founder-acarya of Gaudiya Matha institutions in India, to spread Krsna consciousness to the Western countries. Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Prabhupada strongly desired that the whole world accept Lord Krsna's teachings and therefore he ordered his most educated and sincere disciple, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada in 1936 to spread these teachings to the Western world. Bhaktivedanta Swami started translating Srimad-Bhagavatam, Caitanya-caritamrta and Bhagavad-gita in 1936. When the late prime minister, Shri Lal Bahadur Sastri, saw Bhaktivedanta Swami's Srimad-Bhagavatam, he said, "His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada is doing valuable work, and his books are a significant contribution to the salvation of mankind.' Presently Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, a division of ISKCON has published over sixty books of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. These include Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, 25 volumes, and Caitanya-caritamrta, 17 volumes. These books have been acclaimed by both Indian and Western scholars. The books are being used by about three thousand universities all over the world, including Oxford, Cambridge, and Harvard universities. In India, in the last four months, close to four hundred institutes have placed standing orders on Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's books."
Prabhupada: Calcutta University purchased.
Gopala Krsna: Yes, I said four hundred universities. I didn't... "Even Russian scholars have praised Bhaktivedanta Swami's books and placed orders. For your information, Bhaktivedanta Book Trust is the leading seller of books of Vedic culture outside India."
Prabhupada: Topmost publisher of religious and philosophical... In the world. That is admitted.
Gopala Krsna: Okay. I said outside India because Gita Press... It becomes disputable in India. So this was my reply to point three. "Point four. Blitz: Most work in India is done by foreign devotees. ISKCON: The founder-acarya of ISKCON is His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada, who is an Indian. His chief secretary for India is also an Indian. In total, ISKCON has presently about 270 devotees in India, of which at least 150 or about 60% are Indian. Our programs in India have been praised by all leaders. The chief minister of Andhra Pradesh, while inaugurating our Hyderabad center on August 18, 1976, said, "History appears to be repeating itself. One found a revival of temple construction, temple worship, and Gita-prayana in advanced countries like U.S.A."
Gopala Krsna: Oh. Parayana. Okay. I just copied the spelling from the paper, Parayana. Okay, I'll change it.
Prabhupada: No no, that is understood.
Gopala Krsna: Okay. "He complimented ISKCON, for disseminating the Vedic culture. West Bengal government officials have praised our agricultural efforts. The principle officer of agriculture of Nadia District in West Bengal said that our Mayapura farm is receiving attention of nearby farmers, and this farm is acting as a demonstration for them. So the statement that foreign devotees are running ISKCON in India is misleading. Point five, Blitz: Big business in Spiritual Sky. Boss of West Bengal is Gregory M. Scharf. ISKCON: In Mayapura our devotees make handloom saris, dhotis, and gamchas. All over the world our devotees wear the traditional Indian dress of dhotis, kurtas, and saris. It is our spiritual master's desire that all our devotees overseas only wear clothes made by our devotees in Mayapura. Spiritual Sky sales and services was formed just to send our Mayapura handloom and other necessities only to our centers overseas. In return our overseas centers send Mayapura donations. Even Gandhiji wanted every Indian to be self-sufficient. This is what we are trying to do. We produce our own food and clothing. Instead of criticizing, Blitz should publicize these activities so that others can follow. Gregory M. Scharf's spiritual name is Gargamuni Swami, and he is an initiated disciple of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. Blitz has tried to portray him as a businessman who's wearing saffron clothes to deceive people. He is a sannyasi since 1966. Point six, Blitz: Substantial amounts of foreign money is being received by ISKCON India Limited. ISKCON: First of all, our society is registered and called ISKCON, not ISKCON India Limited." They are purposefully being sarcastic. "It is not a business house. Yes, we do receive remittances from abroad. Every paisa that has been remitted from abroad has come through the reserve bank of India. Bhaktivedanta Swami has written over eighty books which are being sold in every country in the world. These books are selling twelve doubled(?) sixty thousand dollars daily which is about five lakhs. We have over a hundred centers all over the world and all these centers are being run by book sales. In the last three years, Bhaktivedanta Book Trust has published over two million hardbound big books. About three and a half million softbound medium size books and about fifteen million magazines on Krsna consciousness. So you can see the wide acceptance of these books. Out of the 2,800 major universities in America, about ninety percent have purchased one or more of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's books. Occasionally we receive contributions. This is not in cash but in kind. For example, Alfred Ford donated two buildings to our Society, one in Honolulu Hawaii, and the other in Detroit, America. In London..."
Prabhupada: Thank you. You can go and play. You cannot understand.
Gopala Krsna: Go and play. "In London, George Harrison donated a big castle which is now called Bhaktivedanta Manor. We have purchased many buildings and converted them to temples from the sale of our books. What is wrong if a portion of Bhaktivedanta Book Trust sales are transferred to India for construction of temples? Fifty percent of Bhaktivedanta Book Trust income is spent for further publishing and the other fifty percent is spent to build temples all over the world. In fact, Blitz should appreciate this because Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada's books are bringing valuable overseas currency into the country without any cost to the Indian public. Point seven. Blitz: In Bombay they have put up a temple with a barbed fence around it. ISKCON There is no barbed wire around the temple. We invite Blitz to show us the barbed wire." There's no barbed wire. "Point eight. Blitz: Already rupees twelve lakhs have been spent on an unfinished temple in Vrndavana. ISKCON: Blitz does not know that the Krsna-Balarama temple in Vrndavana was completed and officially inaugurated by Dr. Chenna Reddy, governor of U.P., in April, 1975." They are saying the temple is still being made. "Point nine. Blitz: Their major center seems to be in Orissa, the land of princes and paupers. They have built a center close to an atomic energy commission complex. ISKCON: How foolish. Our major center is not in Orissa, but in Sridhama Mayapura in West Bengal. Mayapura is the birthplace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, an incarnation of Lord Sri Krsna. We are coming in Lord Caitanya's disciplic succession and therefore we want to develop Mayapura and make this an international center. In Orissa, we do have two devotees living in three huts in Bhuvanesvara. They are living on a piece of land that was donated by one of our life members from Calcutta. If at all it is near the Atomic Energy Commission, it is only by coincidence."
Prabhupada: It was donated by the late governor and Central Minister. Nityananda Kananda. (?)
Gopala Krsna: He donated it. Okay, I'll write down his name them. "Gaura-Govinda Swami, a 45 year old retired teacher from Orissa is in charge of our Bhuvanesvara center." So they'll know. "Point ten..."
Prabhupada: So that land was donated by a prominent man. Nityananda Kananda (?) was central government minister and later on governor of Gujarat. And he often comes to see me in Calcutta.
Gopala Krsna: "Point ten. Blitz: It has started taking interest in politics. It has started a political party in U.S.A. called "In God We Trust" party. ISKCON: ISKCON is not involved in politics at all anywhere in the world. Two American devotees did contest some civic elections for which a party called 'In God We Trust' was formed. The purpose of that campaign was to remind everyone to remember the Lord at all times, as everything belongs to God. Our spiritual master dissolved In God We Trust party in U.S.A. four years ago. Furthermore, there were never any plans to set up In God We Trust in India. We challenge Blitz to show us any evidence to support their claim. Point eleven. Blitz: As far back as 1971, the Maharastra government has taken action against the foreign devotees who have chosen to overstay in Bombay and elsewhere. ISKCON: This statement is also incorrect. The Maharastra government has never taken any action against our devotees. Point twelve. Blitz: The government has decided to stop specialized facilities rendered to foreign devotees seeking to popularize Krsna in India. ISKCON: We are very grateful to the government of India for giving us facilities for spreading Krsna consciousness. The government has not withdrawn any special facilities that have been given to us earlier. So I'm sure you can see by now the extent to which Blitz has misreported ISKCON activities in India. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that one day in every town and village of the world this Hare Krsna movement would be spread. The Vedic culture is India's real heritage and we want to popularize it in every corner of the world. Even in black Africa we have locals that have joined."
Prabhupada: Every corner of the world for world peace.
Prabhupada: Because this is the only platform for united nations which is practically demonstrated.
Prabhupada: United Nations which is practically demonstrated.
Prabhupada: Our movement, all over the world they have joined. Hindu, Muslim, Christian, Buddhist, and Africans. All, everywhere.
Gopala Krsna: "ISKCON has devotees in all parts of the world in all nationalities, including Muslims."
Gopala Krsna: "Should the government need any further information we will be more than happy and pleased to cooperate in all respects. With kindest regards. Your sincerely, Gopala Krsna dasa, Secretary, ISKCON." It's okay?
Prabhupada: Yes. It is nicely done.
Prabhupada: Oh yes. It is very intelligent. (Hindi)
Prabhupada: So if Mr. Modi discusses this it will be a great help.
Gopala Krsna: Yes. Now the other book I want to write, it's facts about ISKCON, or what is ISKCON. We will call that booklet "What is ISKCON." And then in a question and answer form, give all the answers. What is ISKCON, where does ISKCON get its income from, who are the people who run ISKCON, everything that they ask.
Prabhupada: What is that?
Prabhupada: They are shopping from Delhi?
Gopala Krsna: He was supposed to go to Delhi, few items. They're better and cheaper sometimes. So now I'll work on the other booklet which the defense minister wanted, "What is ISKCON." A small, like "Krsna Consciousness is Authorized," on that form with some reviews.
Prabhupada: You can start this fan. No, no. Yes.
Prabhupada: Yes. It is stopped.
Caranaravindam: The mains has been turned off, Srila Prabhupada. There is no water coming from the mains.
Prabhupada: No, no, it is dropping.
Prabhupada: Oh. Then we cannot sit. [break] ...book is going on. (Bengali) This is our childhood song. (Bengali) The small drops of rain falling, now their will be flood in the river. (Bengali) [break] We know even in October sometimes there are rains. Because the Durga Puja takes place in October. From our childhood we have experience. During Durga Puja there was raining, fog.
Prabhupada: The (indistinct) is there? In the open?
Devotee: Jaya, Srila Prabhupada.
Prabhupada: Jaya.
Caranaravindam: I've just seen five minutes ago.
Hari-sauri: The monkeys live on the porch. One of those porches on the guest house where Arundhati's room is. Around the other side.
Prabhupada: You have not closed?
Prabhupada: No, the top room they have not closed?
Hari-sauri: No, they have balconies. They said... I was told that they're living on one of the balconies around the other side where Arundhati's room is. They don't chase them away so they just stay.
Gopala Krsna: Srila Prabhupada, I just want the name of the person who gave us that land in Orissa because I'm getting this retyped.
Prabhupada: The name is Nityananda Kananda.
Prabhupada: He was a minister in the central government, deputy minister.
Prabhupada: Deputy minister in the central government.
Prabhupada: During Jawaharlal Nehru's time. And later on governor of Gujarat.
Prabhupada: Gujarat. Now he's retired.
Prabhupada: So? Why you are unnecessarily...
Hari-sauri: It's not... Just dripping a little bit. It's not so bad. I'm just wearing the cadara to keep the mosquitos off. I'm getting bitten, so I'm wearing a cadara to keep the insects away.
Prabhupada: So it is coming again. (fountain starts) [break] ...very celebrated astrologer.
Aksayananda: Yes. He said, "Well, Bhaktisiddhanta Maharaja was."
Prabhupada: But he gave up.
Aksayananda: That's what I told him. Instead of Suryasiddhanta he became Bhaktisiddhanta.
Prabhupada: If he wanted he could have practiced lucratively. But he gave up.
Aksayananda: Yes, very good.
Prabhupada: And he had many students. (pause) (indistinct) He dropped in the fountain?
Aksayananda: No, he's going on the outside.
Prabhupada: They like it. But they make sound. [break] So if actually I am serious to serve Krsna I must begin immediately.
Prabhupada: Yes, that's right. Because there is no guarantee. Suppose you are learning some art to serve Krsna. In the meantime if death takes place...
Prabhupada: Then if you could not learn the art, at the same time you miss Krsna's service. So that is not our principle. We want to serve Krsna, svakarmana tam abhyarcya. Whatever work you already expert, you do that. Just like he is doing. Whatever he knows, he is giving service. He's not going for sewing cloth. Because he does not know that. Why should he waste time? He knows this art, let him do. That is service. Whatever you know, Krsna can accept any service. Krsna is not one-sided. Because He is everything, so he can accept every service, anything. That is stated, svakarmana tam abhyarcya. Whatever you know, you try to please Krsna, or Krsna's representative. The same thing. Atah pumbhir dvija-srestha varnasrama-vibhagasah, svanusthitasya dharmasya. Whatever you know, samsiddhih, the perfection is, hari-tosanam. So we... Whatever we already know. If he's a medical man, whatever little medical knowledge he has got, he can utilize it by serving. Why he should go to Ayur-vedic? That is not.
Devotee: Long time ago you wrote a letter to Jadurani to do that. Jadurani, she wants to do service.
Prabhupada: Yes, I thought that when she first came I saw that here she has got a little tendency for painting. So I engaged immediately, that you go on painting, whatever you can. So in the beginning she was not good painter. But still I said, "Anyway, you paint Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Nityananda. And whatever you paint, it is accepted." It is not the art, but it is the service.
Hari-sauri: His point was that he doesn't have any service. So he was thinking if he learned something, because he already has a medical background...
Prabhupada: So let him serve in that way. If he has got a little medical background, let him utilize that.
Prabhupada: That is his whims. That is not service.
Caranaravindam: There's a toad in the fountain.
Prabhupada: He has already gone?
Caranaravindam: He's been in and out. He's had his swim. He's doing service for you. I brought him three or four days ago to the garden.
Prabhupada: What service he is doing?
Caranaravindam: He is eating all the bugs.
Prabhupada: Accha?
Caranaravindam: He eats bugs and those nasty flies.
Prabhupada: Oh, they eat bugs?
Caranaravindam: Yes. They do very good service in gardens. Gardener's friend, the toad. Grass snakes, earthworm and the toad and frog. Gardener's friends. He'll sit there and he'll wait for a fly to come.
Prabhupada: Jivo jivasya jivanam. One life is food for the another life. Krsna has made such an arrangement that every living entity has got some service. So he's allowed to do the service, then he's finished by another living entity.
Caranaravindam: A big snake may come and eat him. [break]
Prabhupada: Very good. Common man in Bengal, Orissa, they'll take on banana leaves all vegetable preparations. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, when he was invited by Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, he was taking on banana leaves.
Caranaravindam: I have some bitter gourd. I'm going to dry it and we can plant the seeds, karela.
Prabhupada: Karela it is also...
Caranaravindam: Wonderful sabji.
Prabhupada: Patola also.
Prabhupada: Patola, both leaves and fruits they're useful. Very useful.
Caranaravindam: What is that?
Hari-sauri: Little round, green, oblong shape. Looks like a small cucumber. About this long. You can see some in the kitchen. [break]
Prabhupada: You give me lunch in banana leaves. Give me.
Prabhupada: Because there are so many banana leaves. You can utilize it. One leaf is sufficient for four plates at least.
Caranaravindam: Actually I must confess, generally most days I use a bit of banana leaf to take some of your remnants on. Take a bit on a banana leaf, and then take from there. It is very handy. Actually the monkeys they come and also they eat this leaf. They often come and tear off a piece of leaf and sit on this eating them. Monkey.
Prabhupada: That is destructive. They do not know.
Caranaravindam: They sit there eating them.
Prabhupada: Because they do not get anything they make mischief. They're very mischievous. If they do not get any eatables they will cause mischief.
Caranaravindam: They sometimes come if a new shoot in the banana. The inside shoot, they break and take that. They seem to enjoy. I've seen them. They break it and eat it.
Prabhupada: They have only use, their fat is very good medicine for burns. Some portion is burned, monkey fat is very good medicine. The Chinese eat their brains.
Caranaravindam: The Japanese also do that. They drink it. They drink it through straws.
Prabhupada: Monkey brain?
Caranaravindam: Yes. They cut the skull off a live monkey. They cut the skull off like egg and drink the brain through straw. I read in magazine how they do this. It's very common practice now.
Prabhupada: Where they get this monkeys?
Caranaravindam: The monkey's alive and as you drink its brain it dies. They think this is also sport to them. Big horrible demons.
Devotee: In New York, I heard...
Hari-sauri: Andy Warhol. Now... Before I joined the movement I was working on a mining camp and they used to serve out sheep's brains every day. It was a big favorite with the Yugoslavs. Sheep's brains and...
Caranaravindam: Hearts.
Prabhupada: Living sheep and cut?
Prabhupada: They eat?
Prabhupada: Now their delicacy their own children. [break] ...big stack of bricks, iron. Left over.
Hari-sauri: Sometimes they don't even finish the buildings they're building. That building across the road from our temple in New York, that's been there five years like that, half-completed.
Prabhupada: Now things are deteriorating. And fire is always... (Siren bell sound:) dungdung dungdungdungdungdung-gawaawaawaa. Samsara-davanala. Still they think that they are advanced. In one hour three times fire, still he is advanced. Therefore he is mudha. At least, in small city such disturbances are not... It is always gawaagawaagawaa.
Prabhupada: How the city life is attractive we cannot understand.
Prabhupada: You were born in New York?
Devotee: No.
Prabhupada: That is mother and... (laughter) Janani jana. (Sanskrit) Any rotten place, but birthplace has got some attraction.
Harikesa: I feel perfectly at home there.
Prabhupada: That is natural. Just like when I go to Calcutta. Therefore a sannyasi is forbidden to live in his native place. There will be attraction. Caitanya Mahaprabhu never returned to Navadvipa. [break] ...no striking six o'clock. Did you mark it?
Hari-sauri: I never hear him ring it. At least the one in the daytime. I think evenings he rings it.
Harikesa: I heard the four o'clock.
Prabhupada: He is not regular. That means he's another lazy fellow. All lazy fellows.
Harikesa: He sits out here and he sleeps. He sleeps on the steps. I caught him last night.
Hari-sauri: When I was here before, sometimes I would go up to the caukidara at night. They used to carry this big spear. A pole with a big sharp point on it. Metal point. And I would take his spear and stick it in his ribs and then he would wake up, "Oh." And then he would smile.
Prabhupada: We have to maintain some paid...
Harikesa: We've had so many caukidaras here and not one of them has ever... (end)
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/conversations/1976/sep/garden_conversation/vrndavana/september/07/1976 Previous: Room Conversation -- September 6, 1976, Vrndavana Next: Garden Conversation -- September 7, 1976, Vrndavana