Prabhupada: Nowadays people are taking to the (indistinct) of industry. But we don't find in Bhagavad-gita, there is any suggestion for industry. Krsna said... It started?
Prabhupada: No no, you stop this.
Prabhupada: Yes. [break] That's nice.
Pandita: So until the father makes one (indistinct) of Sri Vaisnava... And the saranagati makes them assured of mukti. So krta-krtya. Now, the later part of life, (Sanskrit). (Hindi)... of Ramanuja school. This Ramanuja school has been fortified by his works, so many works on Vedanta, like (Sanskrit names of books) These are all the major Vedanta works he has composed. All these works I have sat before a guru and studied for eight years at Sri Rangam. My acarya has been a great scholar in Vedanta and tarka, who was lecturer in...
Prabhupada: I know, Ramanuja sampradaya, they are very learned scholars. I know that.
Pandita: And they are very particular about acaranas also, more than...
Prabhupada: Sadacara.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Pandita: And I have been given guidance by these acaryas to stick to this parampara sampradaya acara. So I belong to this sahogala(?) order. I have taken initiation from this guru, as well as Vedantic knowledge from another guru. I am practicing my acara, sampradaya acara very strictly in that order. As far as I see, there is... Without disturbing this set-up, I can do service, I think. Is it not?
Prabhupada: No, our mission is to spread Krsna's mission. That's all.
Pandita: Mission. That's all. We need not change the other set-up need not. Necessity is not there.
Prabhupada: No. We have got already set up, what Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya [Bg. 18.66]. So our business is how to teach people to surrender to Krsna. That's all.
Pandita: Now, this Bhagavad-gita, this Sri Bhasya of Ramanuja, and commentary on which is Sruta-prakasika, composed by one Sudarsana Suri... He was later, about hundred years later than Ramanuja. He has commented on Sri Bhasya. These works are the standard works, for (indistinct). Actually it is the foundation over which the superstructure is constructed by Vedanta-desika.
Prabhupada: You see, we have got different philosophical... Ultimately the conclusion is how to surrender to Krsna.
Pandita: That is it.
Prabhupada: So the Western countries, their brain is not so sharp to clearly understand the difference between visistadvaita, advaita-dvaita, dvaitadvaita, or advaita. (laughs) Their brain does not allow to think very deeply about... So we are simply teaching them, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru [Bg. 18.65]. That includes all philosophy. In this way we are preaching all over the world and there is little response. We are selling our books very nicely. So our main purpose is to spread Krsna consciousness. That is our main... So what is your idea now. How you want to utilize your learning about Vaisnava philosophy? Yes. Yes. How you want to do it?
Pandita: Now, this is my idea. That knowledge that I have must be utilized in this manner. It can be utilized in this manner. You are creating so many disciples. They are interested in learning Gita and the philosophy and other things. Serious students who are interested in philosophy, who would like to go sit and...
Prabhupada: You'll find hardly anyone interested in philosophy nowadays. They are interested in technology. In Western countries the universities are closing philosophical class. No student is coming. This is the position.
Pandita: I came for philosophy, even in this age.
Prabhupada: No, no, your case is different. But generally people they are losing interest in philosophy because they are becoming sudras. Kalau sudra-sambhavah. They are after some job to get money. So they see that "What I shall get by learning philosophy? Let me learn technology. I'll get a good job and good money and enjoy life." This is...
Pandita: That is general trend. Of course, I know.
Prabhupada: Yes. In India also the same thing.
Pandita: Yes, yes. I was working in Bombay as a stenographer in a private company. In 1964 I resigned my job after reading Vivekananda's works. I'll tell you about some of my own history. Afterwards I went and joined the... I went and stayed in Hrishikesh Shivananda asrama for two months, and I wanted to study this philosophy, etc., in the originals. But at Shivananda asrama it was not...
Prabhupada: They have no idea.
Pandita: No facility. So I left there. I came all the way, decided to select a place for myself. After touring Mathura, Vrndavana, all these places, Kasi, I came to Lucknow. In Lucknow Ramakrishna Mission I had been to. There was one Gauda Shivananda. He discussed with me, and he directed me to Calcutta. Then I went to Calcutta, and when I went to Calcutta, that Swami Gambhirananda, who is the general secretary now, was there. He asked me to join the Mission. I joined Ramakrishna Mission. I was in Ramakrishna Mission in Calcutta for one year. And I was taking care of their printing section, this proof-reading, editing, etc., Ramakrishna Vivekananda literature for one year. But still, my idea of going to the original texts of this Vedanta commentary etc., was not fulfilled. So I was not satisfied. Then I left that Ramakrishna Mission and traveled all the way from Calcutta to Kerala. There is another asrama at Kerala, Parlika near Trichu, where there was one Swami Purnananda Tirtha who used to come to Bombay every year for giving lectures. So I went to his asrama. I knew of that. And there I started studying this Sankara Bhasya, Gita Bhasya and Sutra Bhasya for six months under one Swami Atmananda, who is no more, who has written Sankara's words, the words, in his own words, teachings in his own words. Bhavan's Journal has published and the four yogas and so on and so forth, such books. He was a disciple of Swami Ramadasa of Kanaih. So after six months that was also not satisfying to me. I then came to Sri Rangam. There I went to a Vaisnava acarya. He said, first you equip yourself with the fundamental sastras of tarka, vyakarana, and mimamsa. Then come to Vedanta. Then, later on, in Sanskrit College I went and studied for two and a half years this fundamentals of Vedanta, tarka, vyakarana, mimamsa, and then I came to Sri Rangam back and studied Vedanta. There for eight years I studied Vedanta. Say in all twelve years. Ten years. Another two years... I have been in Tirupati for the past two years, specializing in the higher texts of Mimamsa. (pause)
Prabhupada: Then?
Pandita: So this is how for the past twelve years I have been going in search of this sources from where I can get all this knowledge, and after much roaming about, I have got this knowledge. So I would like to put it to proper use. I would like to teach it to so many people who are interested in it. At least...
Prabhupada: So that opportunity you'll get in our mission.
Pandita: That is how I want to serve.
Prabhupada: That opportunity you'll get. So now give him some resting place just now. And you take some of our books and go on. Then, after taking my meals, I shall come.
Prabhupada: Just now? So...
Prabhupada: Yes.
Prabhupada: Call him. Call him.
Pandita: I shall wait till you finish your meals.
Minister: (Hindi)
Prabhupada: Take prasadam. You give (Hindi) So you have brought? So if you kindly wait, then I can finish my meals. Then I shall talk.
Minister: Oh, yes. We will go. We have come here just to have your darsana.
Prabhupada: No, I have to talk with you something. So if you kindly wait...
Minister: I will wait.
Prabhupada: Then give him some place. Give him some book. He may read it.
Minister: I'll sit for a while.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Minister: In the evening I am coming to six o'clock.
Devotee (1): Seven o'clock.
Minister: Seven-thirty, plane takes off, I think.
Devotee (1): Yes, but Prabhupada going to the... Before one hour.
Minister: Before one hour?
Prabhupada: So I heard that you were coming at 4:30.
Minister: Five o'clock, they said, because I won't be able to come here. That is why I thought that now I'll just go and have your darsana and take your program of Delhi, whenever you're going to be. Now I've become cela of yours. (laughs)
Prabhupada: I have asked your wife and children to chant Hare Krsna mantra before Balaji as much time as possible.
Minister: As many times as possible.
Prabhupada: So she has told you?
Minister: Yes.
Prabhupada: Yes.
Minister: They're doing that.
Prabhupada: It is a great fortune that Balaji is there in your home. Take full advantage and simply chant Hare Krsna. Simple. Then everything will come automatically. Buddhi-yogam dadami tam.
This is the very easiest method. Chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Sit down as much time as you can devote. The Lord is at your home. It is a great fortune. So do this, both, all family together. Yes. And I have seen, you are fortunate enough that you have got good wife and good children. That is a great fortune. Nobody is against you. Everyone is favorable. Oh, that's a great opportunity. In some family the wife goes another way, the children goes another way. That is very disturbing. But you are so fortunate that everyone is just obedient to the head of the family. So utilize, whole family, this simple method. Chant Hare Krsna mantra. Sit down before Balaji. You are fortunate Balaji is there. Do this. Then we shall talk further.
Minister: So when shall we meet?
Prabhupada: As you like.
Minister: I'll come to Delhi.
Prabhupada: So if you are coming to the airport, then we shall talk further. That all. Thank you very much. You have taken little prasadam?
Minister: Yes, I have.
Prabhupada: Thank you very much. (end)
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/conversations/1976/aug/with_pandita_from_tirupati_and_government_minister/hyderabad/august/24/1976 Previous: Room Conversation -- August 24, 1976, Hyderabad Next: Meeting with Endowments Commissioner -- August 24, 1976, Hyderabad