Morning Walk

April 17, 1975, Vrndavana
Prabhupada: ...There is no possible (?) Tell them, this United Nations Organization, that "You are all bogus. You cannot do it. Come to this platform, and you'll be able." They have proved themselves bogus for the last 25 years, I think. They started in 1947? Huh?
Devotee: 1945.
Prabhupada: Forty-five. (To passerby:) Hare Krsna. So how many years they have...
Devotees: Thirty years.
Prabhupada: Thirty years. Uselessly. Wasting money and time... [break] ...that this movement is very good. He goes step forward, simply by saying this, that "These people are doing very nice." Ajnata sukrti. Krta-punya-punja. So, both say (Hindi) (end)

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