padbhyam calan yah pratima-svarupo
brahmanya-devo hi sataha-gamyam
desam yayau vipra-krte 'dbhuteham
tam saksi-gopalam aham nato 'smi
padbhyamby the two legs; calanwalking; yahone who; pratimaof the Deity; svarupahin the form; brahmanya-devahthe Supreme Lord of brahminical culture; hicertainly; sata-ahain one hundred days; gamyamto be passed over; desamthe country; yayauwent; vipra-krtefor the benefit of a brahmana; adbhutamost wonderful; ihamactivity; tamunto that; saksi-gopalamthe Gopala known as the witness Gopala; ahamI; natah asmioffer respectful obeisances.
I offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of God [brahmanya-deva], who appeared as Saksi-gopala to benefit a brahmana. For one hundred days He traveled through the country, walking on His own legs. Thus His activities are wonderful.
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