TEXTS 18-19
tabe prabhu puchilena,--'suna, sisu-gana
kaha dekhi, kon pathe yaba vrndavana'
sisu saba ganga-tira-patha dekhaila
sei pathe avese prabhu gamana karila
tabethereafter; prabhuthe Lord; puchilenainquired; sunahear; sisu-ganaO boys; kaha dekhiplease tell Me; kon pathein which way; yabaI shall go; vrndavanato Vrndavana; sisuthe boys; sabaall; ganga-tira-pathathe path on the bank of the Ganges; dekhailashowed; seithat; patheon the path; avesein ecstasy; prabhuthe Lord; gamana karilawent.
When the cowherd boys were questioned by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu about the path to Vrndavana, the boys showed Him the path on the bank of the Ganges, and the Lord went that way in ecstasy.
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