atmarameti padyarkasy-
arthamsun yah prakasayan
jagat-tamo jaharavyat
sa caitanyodayacalah
atmarama-itibeginning with the word atmarama; padyaverse; arkasyaof the sunlike; artha-amsunthe shining rays of different meanings; yahwho; prakasayanmanifesting; jagat-tamahthe darkness of the material world; jaharaeradicated; avyatmay protect; sahHe; caitanya-udaya-acalahSri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is like the eastern horizon, where the sun rises.
May Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu be glorified. It was He who acted as the eastern horizon where the sun of the atmarama verse rises and manifests its rays in the form of different meanings and thus eradicates the darkness of the material world. May He protect the universe.

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