kurari vilapasi tvam vita-nidra na sese
svapiti jagati ratryam isvaro gupta-bodhah
vayam iva sakhi kaccid gadha-nirviddha-ceta
kurariO female osprey; vilapasiare lamenting; tvamyou; vita-nidrawithout sleep; nanot; seserest; svapitisleeps; jagatiin the world; ratryamat night; isvarahLord Krsna; gupta-bodhahwhose consciousness is hidden; vayamwe; ivalike; sakhiO dear friend; kaccidwhether; gadhadeeply; nirviddha-cetapierced in the heart; nalina-nayanaof the lotus-eyed Lord; hasasmiling; udaraliberal; lila-iksitenaby the playful glancing.
" 'My dear friend kurari, it is now night, and Lord Sri Krsna is sleeping. You yourself are not asleep or resting but are lamenting. Should I presume that you, like us, are affected by the smiling, liberal, playful glances of the lotus eyed Krsna? If so, your heart is deeply pierced. Is that why you are showing these signs of sleepless lamentation?'
This is a quotation from Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.90.15). Although the queens were with Krsna, they were still thinking of losing His company.

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