yadrcchaya mat-kathadau
jata-sraddhas tu yah puman
na nirvinno natisakto
bhakti-yogo 'sya siddhidah
yadrcchayaby some good fortune; mat-katha-adauin talk about Me; jata-sraddhahhas awakened his attraction; tubut; yah pumana person who; na nirvinnahnot falsely detached; na atisaktahnot attached to material existence; bhakti-yogahthe process of devotional service; asyafor such a person; siddhi-dahbestowing perfection.
" 'Somehow or other, if one is attracted to talks about Me and has faith in the instructions I have set forth in Bhagavad-gita, and if one is actually detached from material things and material existence, his dormant love for Me will be awakened by devotional service.'
This verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.20.8) was spoken by Krsna at the time of His departure from this material world. It was spoken to Uddhava.

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