TEXT 361
visva-srsty-adi kaila, veda brahmake padaila
arthabhijnata, svarupa-saktye maya dura kaila
visva-srsti-adicreation, maintenance and dissolution of the cosmic manifestation; kailaperformed; vedathe Vedic knowledge; brahmakeunto Lord Brahma; padailainstructed; artha-abhijnatahaving full knowledge of past, present and future; svarupa-saktyeby His personal energy; mayathe illusory energy; dura kailaseparated.
"In that same verse it is stated that the Lord is the creator, maintainer and annihilator of the cosmic manifestation, and that He enabled Lord Brahma to create the universe by infusing him with the knowledge of the Vedas. It is also stated that the Lord has full knowledge directly and indirectly, that He knows past, present and future and that His personal energy is separate from maya, the illusory energy.
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