TEXT 138
bhaktyaham ekaya grahyah
sraddhayatma priyah satam
bhaktih punati man-nistha
sva-pakan api sambhavat
bhaktyaby devotional service; ahamI, the Supreme Personality of Godhead; ekayaunflinching; grahyahobtainable; sraddhayaby faith; atmathe most dear; priyahto be served; satamby the devotees; bhaktihthe devotional service; punatipurifies; mat-nisthafixed only on Me; sva-pakanthe lowest of human beings, who are accustomed to eat dogs; apicertainly; sambhavatfrom all faults due to birth and other circumstances.
" 'Being very dear to the devotees and sadhus, I am attained through unflinching faith and devotional service. This bhakti-yoga system, which gradually increases attachment for Me, purifies even a human being born among dog-eaters. That is to say, everyone can be elevated to the spiritual platform by the process of bhakti-yoga.'
This verse is from Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.14.21).
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