TEXT 179
ei bhava-yukta dekhi' radhasya-nayana
sangama ha-ite sukha paya koti-guna
ei bhavawith these ecstatic symptoms; yuktacombined together; dekhi'-seeing; radha-asya-nayanathe face and eyes of Srimati Radharani; sangama ha-itethan direct embracing; sukha payaenjoys happiness; koti-gunamillions of times more.
"Lord Sri Krsna is thousands upon thousands of times more satisfied when He sees Srimati Radharani's face light up from this combination of ecstatic love than He is by direct union with Her.
This is further explained in the following verse from the Ujjvala-nilamani (Anubhava-prakarana 46) of Srila Rupa Gosvami.
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