acarya-sambandhe bahye kare prityabhasa
krsna-bhakti vina prabhura na haya ullasa
acarya-sambandhebecause he was related with Bhagavan Acarya; bahyeexternally; karedoes; priti-abhasaappearance of pleasure; krsna-bhaktidevotional service to Lord Krsna; vinawithout; prabhuraof Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu; na hayathere is no; ullasajubilation.
Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu derives no happiness from meeting one who is not a pure devotee of Krsna. Thus because Gopala Bhattacarya was a Mayavadi scholar, the Lord felt no jubilation in meeting him. Nevertheless, because Gopala Bhattacarya was related to Bhagavan Acarya, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu feigned pleasure in seeing him.

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