TEXT 140
gopyah kim acarad ayam kusalam sma venur
damodaradhara-sudham api gopikanam
bhunkte svayam yad avasista-rasam hradinyo
hrsyat-tvaco 'sru mumucus taravo yatharyah
gopyahO gopis; kimwhat; acaratperformed; ayamthis; kusalamauspicious activities; smacertainly; venuhflute; damodaraof Krsna; adhara-sudhamthe nectar of the lips; apieven; gopikanamwhich is owed to the gopis; bhunkteenjoys; svayamindependently; yatfrom which; avasistaremaining; rasamthe taste only; hradinyahthe rivers; hrsyatfeeling jubilant; tvacahwhose bodies; asrutears; mumucuhshed; taravahthe trees; yathaexactly like; aryahold forefathers.
"My dear gopis, what auspicious activities must the flute have performed to enjoy the nectar of Krsna's lips independently and leave only a taste for the gopis for whom that nectar is actually meant. The forefathers of the flute, the bamboo trees, shed tears of pleasure. His mother, the river, on whose bank the bamboo was born, feels jubilation, and therefore her blooming lotus flowers are standing like hair on her body."
This is a verse quoted from Srimad-Bhagavatam (10.21.9) regarding a discussion the gopis had among themselves. As the autumn season began in Vrndavana, Lord Krsna was tending the cows and blowing on His flute. The gopis then began to praise Krsna and discuss the fortunate position of His flute.

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