anuvadam anuktva tu
na vidheyam udirayet
na hy alabdhaspadam kincit
kutracit pratitisthati
anuvadamthe subject; anuktvanot stating; tubut; nanot; vidheyamthe predicate; udirayetone should speak; nanot; hicertainly; alabdha-aspadamwithout a secure position; kincitsomething; kutracitanywhere; pratitisthatistands.
" 'One should not state a predicate before its subject, for it cannot thus stand without proper support.'
This rhetorical rule appears in the Ekadasi-tattva, Thirteenth Canto, in connection with the metaphorical use of words. An unknown object should not be put before the known subject because the object has no meaning if the subject is not first given.

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