jaya jaya mahaprabhu sri-krsna-caitanya
tanhara caranasrita, sei bada dhanya
jayaall glories; jayaall glories; mahaprabhuunto the Supreme Lord; sri-krsna-caitanyaof the name Sri Krsna Caitanya; tanharaof His; carana-asritaone who has taken shelter of the lotus feet; seihe; badais very much; dhanyaglorified.
Let me offer glorification to the Supreme Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. One who has taken shelter of His lotus feet is the most glorified person.
Prabhu means master. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the supreme master of all masters; therefore He is called Mahaprabhu. Any person who takes shelter of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu is most glorified because by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu he is able to get promotion to the platform of loving service to the Lord, which is transcendental to salvation.
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