TEXTS 27-28
ei suddha-bhakta lana karimu avatara
kariba vividha-vidha adbhuta vihara
vaikunthadye nahi ye ye lilara pracara
se se lila kariba, yate mora camatkara
eithese; suddha-bhaktapure devotees; lanataking; karimuI shall make; avataraincarnation; karibaI shall do; vividha-vidhavarious kinds; adbhutawonderful; viharapastimes; vaikuntha-adyein the Vaikuntha planets, etc.; nahinot; ye yewhatever; lilaraof the pastimes; pracarabroadcasting; se sethose; lilapastimes; karibaI shall perform; yatein which; moraMy; camatkarawonder.
"Taking these pure devotees with Me, I shall descend and sport in various wonderful ways, unknown even in Vaikuntha. I shall broadcast such pastimes by which even I am amazed.
There are innumerable Vaikuntha planets in the spiritual sky, and in all of them the Lord accepts the service rendered by His eternal devotees in a reverential mood. Therefore Lord Sri Krsna presents His most confidential pastimes as He enjoys them in His transcendental realm. Such pastimes are so attractive that they attract even the Lord, and thus He relishes them in the form of Lord Caitanya.
Link to this page: https://prabhupadabooks.com/cc/adi/4/27-28