TEXT 260
yata adhyapaka, ara tanra sisya-gana
dharmi, karmi, tapo-nistha, nindaka, durjana
yataall; adhyapakaprofessors; araand; tanratheir; sisya-ganastudents; dharmifollowers of religious ritualistic ceremonies; karmiperformers of fruitive activities; tapah-nisthaperformers of austerities; nindakablasphemers; durjanarogues.
"All the so-called professors and scientists and their students generally follow the regulative principles of religion, fruitive activities and austerities," the Lord thought, "yet at the same time they are blasphemers and rogues.
Here is a depiction of materialists who have no knowledge of devotional service. They may be very religious and may work very systematically or perform austerities and penances, but if they blaspheme the Supreme Personality of Godhead they are nothing but rogues. This is confirmed in the Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya (3.11):
jatih sastram japas tapah
apranasyaiva dehasya
mandanam loka-ranjanam
If they are without knowledge of devotional service to the Lord, then great nationalism, fruitive, political or social work, science or philosophy are all simply like costly garments decorating a dead body. The only offense of persons adhering to these principles is that they are not devotees; they are always blasphemous toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees.

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