TEXT 230
tabe ta' karila saba bhakte vara dana
ucchista diya narayanira karila sammana
tabethereafter; ta'-certainly; kariladid; saba bhakteunto all devotees; varabenediction; danacharity; ucchistafood remnants; diyagiving; narayaniraof Narayani; kariladid; sammanarespect.
Thereafter the Lord charitably bestowed His benediction upon all His devotees. He gave the remnants of His food to Narayani, showing her special respect.
Narayani was a niece of Srivasa Thakura, and later she became the mother of Srila Vrndavana dasa Thakura. In this connection the sahajiyas cite a malicious story that after eating the remnants of Lord Caitanya's food Narayani became pregnant and gave birth to Vrndavana dasa Thakura. The rascal sahajiyas may manufacture such false statements, but no one should believe them because they are motivated by enmity against the Vaisnavas.
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