TEXT 127
keha kirtana na kariha sakala nagare
aji ami ksama kari' yaitechon ghare
kehaanyone; kirtanachanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra; nado not; karihaperform; sakala nagarein the whole town; ajitoday; amiI; ksama kari'-excusing; yaitechonam returning; gharehome.
"No one should perform sankirtana on the streets of the city. Today I am excusing the offense and returning home.
Such orders stopping sankirtana in the streets of the world's great cities have been imposed upon members of the Hare Krsna movement. We have hundreds of centers all over the world, and we have been specifically persecuted in Australia. In most cities of the Western world we have been arrested many times by the police, but we are nevertheless executing the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu by chanting on the streets of all the important cities, like New York, London, Chicago, Sydney, Melbourne, Paris and Hamburg. We must remember that such incidents took place in the past, five hundred years ago, and the fact that they are still going on indicates that our sankirtana movement is really authorized, for if sankirtana were an insignificant material affair, demons would not object to it. The demons of the time tried to obstruct the sankirtana movement started by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Similar demons are trying to obstruct the sankirtana movement we are executing all over the world, and this proves that our sankirtana movement is still pure and genuine, following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu.
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