yasya prabha prabhavato jagad-anda-koti-
kotisv asesa-vasudhadi-vibhuti-bhinnam
tad brahma niskalam anantam asesa-bhutam
govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami
yasyaof whom; prabhathe effulgence; prabhavatahof one who excels in power; jagat-andaof universes; koti-kotisuin millions and millions; asesaunlimited; vasudha-adiwith planets, etc; vibhutiwith opulences; bhinnambecoming variegated; tatthat; brahmaBrahman; niskalamwithout parts; anantamunlimited; asesa-bhutambeing complete; govindamLord Govinda; adi-purusamthe original person; tamHim; ahamI; bhajamiworship.
[Lord Brahma said:] "I worship Govinda, the primeval Lord, who is endowed with great power. The glowing effulgence of His transcendental form is the impersonal Brahman, which is absolute, complete and unlimited and which displays the varieties of countless planets, with their different opulences, in millions and millions of universes.
This verse appears in the Brahma-samhita (5.40). Each and every one of the countless universes is full of innumerable planets with different constitutions and atmospheres. All these come from the unlimited nondual Brahman, or Complete Whole, which exists in absolute knowledge. The origin of that unlimited Brahman effulgence is the transcendental body of Govinda, who is offered respectful obeisances as the original and supreme Personality of Godhead.
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