"dasa-sahasra gandharva more deha' candramukha
tara gaya, muni nacon--tabe mora sukha"
dasa-sahasraten thousand; gandharvaresidents of Gandharvaloka; moreunto me; deha'-please deliver; candra-mukhaO moon-faced one; tara gayalet them sing; muni naconlet me dance; tabethen; moramy; sukhahappiness.
"O Candramukha! Please give me ten thousand Gandharvas. Let them sing as I dance, and then I will be greatly happy."
The Gandharvas, who are residents of Gandharvaloka, are celebrated as celestial singers. Whenever singing is needed in the celestial planets, the Gandharvas are invited to sing. The Gandharvas can sing continuously for days, and therefore Vakresvara Pandita wanted to dance as they sang.

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