Conception of Universal Brotherhood
Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu quoted the following sloka from the Vishnu Puran in support of His real conception of universal Brotherhood so anxiously imagined by the diplomats, politicians and leaders of the human society. There is a gulf of difference between such conception made by Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu the idol of the Vaishnavite cult and that of others of the groups of Duskritina, Mudha, Mayoa Apahrita Jnana and Ashurabhabamaspla. The sloka, as it was set up in the issue of 5th April 1956 of 'Back to Godhead,' runs as follows:-
(In Devanagari:)
Praninam, Upakaraya, Jad, Eba, Iha, Paratra, Cha, Karmana, Manasa, Vacha, Tad, Eba, Matiman, Bhajet.
Praninam=Of the living being, Upakaraya=For the benefit of, Jad=Whatever, Eba=Is certainly, Iha=In this life, Paratra=In the future life, Cha=Also, Karmana=By fruitive actions, Manasa=By contemplation, Vacha=By speeches, Tad=That, Eba=Only, Matiman=A sensible man, Bhajet=Render service.
A sensible man must do render service to the living beings for their benefit only by those fruitive work, contemplative plans and speeches whatever is certainly beneficial to them both in this life and that in the next.
Conception of universal brotherhood by the Mudhas, Naradhamas or the grossly foolish persons and the lowest of the mankind etc., is different from the conception of universal brotherhood of the Lord-because the Mudhas and Naradhamas contemplate in terms of their own benefit while Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and His bonafide followers do contemplate of such universal brotherhood in terms of benefit for the complete set of the living being. Where we speak of universal brotherhood it must comprehend all brothers and not such brothers and allies as are accepted by the politician who have always some design of self-interest.
The ideal of brotherhood is clearly mentioned in the Bhagwat Geeta which is comprehensive enough to include all living beings. The living entities namely those who belong to the vegetable kingdom, to the aquatics kingdom, to the reptile kingdom, to the aerial kingdom, to the animal kingdom and lastly to the human kingdom-appearing in different outward shapes and inward dresses of the gross body and subtle mind, all have been claimed by the Personality of Godhead as His own offsprings. He is the father of all living beings appearing in different species of life according to one's fruitive work in different spans of life.
A father may have different types of sons and some of them may be very intelligent while others may be fools. The intelligent brother cannot disown the fool brother if he is at all interested in the common fatherhood. Factually of course both the fool son and the intelligent son of the father are legitimate sons and both of them are rightful successors or shareholders of the father's property. The law awards this benefit to the fool as well as to the intelligent sons of the father. The father also does not behave differently between the fool and intelligent sons. The father is of course specially interested with the intelligent son if the latter is intelligent enough to obey the orders of the father in the management of family affairs.
In the Bhagwat Geeta the Personality of Godhead says clearly that He is equally kind to all living entities. Nobody is His favourite nor inimical. He is but leaned towards one who renders spontaneous loving service to Him.
So the Personality of Godhead, the Supreme father of all living entities, is favourably disposed to the living being who is a devotee of the Supreme father. Others are given equal chances of living but He is not responsible for their actions performed for self interest. The intelligent son, who does everything in the interest of the whole joint family, is certainly very dear to the father. There is nothing surprising in this behaviour of the father.
As such the conception of universal brotherhood is perfect only when it refers to all living being. Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu recommended this type of universal brotherhood quoted from the Vishnu Puranam. The word particularly [TEXT MISSING] brotherhood creates the idea of particular or family, community, national, religious or utmost international brotherhood of the one section of the living being. Such imperfect brotherhood excludes the foolish brothers namely the animals, the birds, the aquatics etc. But the word (In Devanagari:) 'praninam' is all comprehensive and it does not exclude the foolish brothers also.
Imperfect conception of brotherhood makes it possible that human being is given all protection of law and order, while the foolish brothers namely the animals are sent to the slaughterhouse for being killed to satisfy the palate and tongue of the intelligent brothers.
The intelligent brothers create a constitution of Habeas Corpus and thinks nationally for the community of men. Such intelligent brothers are called Duskritina and Mayoa Apahrita Jnana because they have no idea of giving national rights to the foolish brothers who are also born in the same land. The foolish brother is disinherited from the legitimate share of his father by intrigues of the intelligent brother in the name of so-called universal brotherhood.
A cow, a goat or a hen or even a vegetable plant all of them are born in the same land. But unfortunately the national right of a state is not extended to the foolish mute brothers because they are dumb and cannot make any agitation like the intelligent brothers. They are even denied the right of living peacefully at the cost of the Supreme Father. The foolish dumb brothers are supplied foodstuff by the laws and arrangement of mother Nature, but the intelligent brothers do kill them for their own satisfaction although they have nothing to do for their proper maintenance in the jungle. The intelligent brothers play with the life of the fool. The imperfect idea of Daridra Narayan(?) is applied to the poor class of men only at the cost of life of the dumb millions of animals, and Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu never dreamt of such narrow altruistic activities of the Mudhas and Duskritinas.
Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu is the living encyclopaedia of the terms of knowledge inculcated in the Bhagwat Geeta and other revealed scriptures. He therefore recommended brotherhood of all living being.
His conception of doing good to such brothers both foolish and intelligent was meant not only for this life but also for the next, by an assured policy. That is the most perfect conception of universal brotherhood as against such contemplation of the Mudhas and Duskritinas.
When we deviate from such perfect order of universal brotherhood and manufacture an imperfect pattern of it, in the name of different political groups [TEXT MISSING] material disease manifest in virulent type. We have tried to present the picture in our article 'The S.R.C. Catastrophe' in Part I, Vol. III. Such narrow imperfect and self-interested designed manifesto of universal brotherhood may hoodwink the set of Mudhas and Mayoa Apahrita Jnanas but that will never bring in the desired world peace so anxiously awaited by the disgusted people. The blind leaders of men do not know the techniques of peacemaking plan. The plan is already set up in the Bhagwat Geeta. It is said there that peace can be enjoyed only by Owner of everything, by accepting Him as the enjoyer of everything, and by consulting Him as the only friend and philosopher of all living being. Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu wants to teach this cult of universal brotherhood and when He agitated the movement, He practically proved that men and the jungle beasts and all other living entities can live peacefully under the cool banner of 'Bhagwat Dharma' or the cult of devotional activities.
Theism in active service-which includes in right adjustment all contending and conceivable patterns of religiosities or creeds manufactured so far by the human brain. There is no difference between the cult of Shree Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and that of Bhagwat Geeta. His interpretations of the Bhagwat Geeta is the deeper aspect of it and Shri Krishna is understood through Lord Krishna Chaitanya the devout feature of Shri Krishna Himself.
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