buddher bhedam dhrtes caiva
gunatas tri-vidham srnu
procyamanam asesena
prthaktvena dhananjaya
buddhehof intelligence; bhedamdifferences; dhrtehof steadiness; caalso; evacertainly; gunatahby the modes of material nature; tri-vidhamthe three kinds of; srnujust hear; procyamanamas described by Me; asesenain detail; prthaktvenadifferently; dhananjayaO winner of wealth.
Now, O winner of wealth, please listen as I tell you in detail of the three kinds of understanding and determination according to the three modes of nature.
Now after explaining knowledge, the object of knowledge and the knower, in three different divisions according to modes of material nature, the Lord is explaining the intelligence and determination of the worker in the same way.

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