aho bata mahat papam
kartum vyavasita vayam
yad rajya-sukha-lobhena
hantum sva-janam udyatah
ahahalas; batahow strange it is; mahatgreat; papamsins; kartumto perform; vyavasitahdecided; vayamwe; yatso that; rajyakingdom; sukha-lobhenadriven by greed for royal happiness; hantumto kill; svajanamkinsmen; udyatahtrying for.
Alas, how strange it is that we are preparing to commit greatly sinful acts, driven by the desire to enjoy royal happiness.
Driven by selfish motives, one may be inclined to such sinful acts as the killing of one's own brother, father, or mother. There are many such instances in the history of the world. But Arjuna, being a saintly devotee of the Lord, is always conscious of moral principles and therefore takes care to avoid such activities.
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