sri-suka uvaca
harito rohita-sutas
campas tasmad vinirmita
campapuri sudevo to
vijayo yasya catmajah
sri-sukah uvacaSri Sukadeva Gosvami said; haritahthe king named Harita; rohita-sutahthe son of King Rohita; campahby the name Campa; tasmatfrom Harita; vinirmitawas constructed; campa-purithe township known as Campapuri; sudevahby the name Sudeva; atahthereafter (from Campa); vijayahby the name Vijaya; yasyaof whom (Sudeva); caalso; atma-jahthe son.
Sukadeva Gosvami continued: The son of Rohita was Harita, and Haritas son was Campa, who constructed the town of Campapuri. The son of Campa was Sudeva, and his son was Vijaya.
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