padayoh patitam balam
parisvajya ciram dorbhyam
paramam apa nirvrtim
padayohat the feet; patitamfallen; balamthe boy (Prahlada Maharaja); pratinandyaencouraging; asisawith blessings (My dear child, may you live long and be happy and so on); asurahthe demon Hiranyakasipu; parisvajyaembracing; ciramfor a long time due to affection; dorbhyamwith his two arms; paramamgreat; apaobtained; nirvrtimjubilation.
When Hiranyakasipu saw that his child had fallen at his feet and was offering obeisances, as an affectionate father he immediately began showering blessings upon the child and embraced him with both arms. A father naturally feels happy to embrace his son, and Hiranyakasipu became very happy in this way.

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